• H.G. WELLS & ORSON WELLES (no relation — note the extra “e”)

Read New York Times story | Read radio script
Listen to broadcast
All's 'Wells' that ends 'Welles'?
H.G. Wells (1866-1946) wrote some of the most intriguing literature 
Fake page
of his time and took writing seriously: “Some passages of mine . . . I rewrote a dozen times . . . .” His stories challenged readers' beliefs in what their world was and what it would become.
One of his most famous works, “War of the Worlds,” was used by OrsonWelles for the Mercury Theater radio broadcast for Halloween1938. The broadcast literally scared the beejeezus out of many Americans, even driving a few to suicide. As the example above illustrates, the broadcast made headlines across the world.
If you'd like to know more about either H.G.Wells or Orson Welles, just click on their names (after, of course, you've completed today's assignments). Doing so will link you to other sites that will give you more.

Links to three books by H.G. Wells on-line:

War of the Worlds
The Time Machine

The Invisible Man

I leave you with some advice from the master writer, H.G. Wells,
in case you ever write a book:

“If you are in difficulties with a book,
try the element of surprise:

attack it at an hour when it isn't expecting it.”

The same goes for studying!
